Le Centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale (CTA) confirme sa fermeture pour la fin 2020.

Votre recherche

60 Résultats en articles

La pertinence des données météo ouvertes pour les services de conseils agrométéorologiques

L’utilisation de données ouvertes dans le domaine de la météorologie pourrait répondre aux besoins d’information des systèmes de conseils agro-métérologiques. Mais les données ouvertes sont-elles parfaitement adaptées ? Sont-elles fiable…

20 Résultats dans les projets et les événements

avril 18


NDC and climate financing options for agriculture in Ethiopia

Agriculture is central to any debate on climate change given the enormous responsibility placed on the sector to produce 60% more food by 2050 despite changing climatic uncertainties. The case for increased investment in climate-smart agriculture has been articulated in different forums as a way to promote agricultural transformation and chart a path to scale up climate actions in agriculture.…
Bishoftu, Ethiopia

f�vr. 12


International Food Safety conference: Transforming knowledge into action for people, economies and the environment

Ongoing changes in climate, global food production and supply systems affect consumers, industry and the planet itself. These changes can have an impact on food safety systems and pose sustainability and development challenges. This is a pivotal moment demanding urgent reflection on actions needed to bolster food safety. At the Addis Ababa conference, priorities w…
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

janv. 28


VALUE4HER meeting: "Network strenghtening meeting for women agripreneurs"

CTA’s VALUE4HER project has embarked on a process of developing the first agribusiness intelligence network targeting women agripreneurs in Africa. The aim is to create a network of women in agribusiness, enhance information flow within these networks and with their markets, supply chains and other servi…
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

nov. 5


'Accelerating the uptake of climate-smart agriculture' kickoff

CTA and implementing partners have begun to implement a project 'Accelerating the uptake of climate-smart agriculture', in Ethiopia, aimed at improving resilience, agricultural productivity, food security and the income of 20,000 smallholder farmers in Ethiopia through the promotion of widespread adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices. The project identifies proven CSA approaches…
Awassa, Ethiopia

1244 Results in profiles

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