Le Centre technique de coopération agricole et rurale (CTA) confirme sa fermeture pour la fin 2020.

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1845 Résultats en articles

Rapport sur la numérisation de l'agriculture africaine, 2018-2019

La transformation de l’agriculture reste une des priorités des plus urgentes pour l’Afrique, mais elle est difficile à accomplir. Les statistiques sont bien connues : l’Afrique doit doubler (même tripler) ses niveaux actuels de productivité agricole pour répondre à la demande et se prémunir contre l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.


1266 Résultats dans les projets et les événements

avril 17


Knowledge management

CTA has accumulated almost four decades’ worth of institutional knowledge on the challenges, context and opportunities that exist for smallholder farmers, which has allowed for the development of training and capacity-building processes.

avril 17


Chefs for Development

CTA has supported chefs to act as agents of development and ambassadors of local cuisine and sustainable farming and sourcing practices, particularly in the Pacific and Caribbean, which rely heavily on tourism, including agri-tourism.

Costa Rica

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A 35-year legacy of agricultural knowledge

Over 35 years, CTA accumulated more than 5,000 items of agricultural knowledge in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific, which will be preserved and available through CABI.

Egham TW20, UK

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AgriHack Talent

The AgriHack Talent initiative aimed to support ICT innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture in African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries. It targeted young entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35 years old. The project was a cornerstone of CTA’s focus on enabling youth involvement in agriculture and supporting employment opportunities.

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Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground

CTA helped drive the expansion of digitalisation in Africa’s agriculture by training and supporting 38 rapidly expanding, youth-led enterprises offering drone-based services such as crop health monitoring and precision agriculture.

1244 Results in profiles

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